Male', Maldives - Villa College Business Society (VCBS), in collaboration with the Faculty of Business Management of Villa College, achieved a major milestone by organising the first-ever business festival conducted by a higher education institution. The festival took place on May 28th at Villa College QI Campus Hall and garnered significant attention from students and the public alike, with over 400 visitors in attendance.
The prestigious event featured various organisations that partnered with VCBS to introduce themselves, showcase recruitment opportunities, and engage with over 300 students who visited the fair. The participating organisations included renowned names such as:
1 Dhiraagu 2.Ooredoo 3.Bodytech 4.Villa Trading Private Limited 5.Shott Beverages Maldives 6. Mermaid Stains 7.Sugar Encounter 8.KN KKonceptt Candles 9.Polaroid Xpress 10.Open Eye Productions 11.Maldives Business Network
These organisations utilised the platform to inform students about potential career opportunities within their companies, opening doors for future collaborations and internships.
In addition to the partner organisations, students from the Faculty of Business Management studying Enterprise Project and Applied Marketing Practice actively participated in the festival. The Enterprise Project students seized the opportunity to pitch their business ideas, which they had developed as part of their final year projects, to the general public. On the other hand, the Applied Marketing Practice students presented their innovative product concepts in a tradeshow format, enabling them to gain valuable feedback and exposure.
Throughout the festival, the clubs operated by the Villa College Business Society organised entertaining games, enhancing the overall experience for attendees. Food stalls were also available, offering a delightful selection of cuisines for participants to enjoy.
Mr. Moosa Meekail, President of Villa College Business Society, emphasised the significance of this initiative in fostering entrepreneurship among the youth and providing them with a platform to showcase their products and business ideas. He expressed his hopes that such events would connect young entrepreneurs with potential investors to facilitate their growth.
Mr. Ahmed Uwais Mohamed, Vice President of Villa College Business Society, commended the seamless planning and execution of the festival. He further revealed that VCBS has plans to organise additional Business Festivals in the future, cementing its commitment to promoting business education and professional development. He extended his gratitude to all the partners of the festival and the staff of Villa College for their invaluable support in making the event a resounding success.
A closing ceremony marked the culmination of the festival, during which certificates were awarded for the Best Business Idea, Best Presenter, and Best New Product Concept. The Dean of the Faculty of Business Management, Mr. Abdulla Nafiz, presented the Best Presenter and Best Business Idea awards for the Enterprise Project module. Dr. Mohamed Kinaanath, Director at the Rectors Officer, handed over the Best New Product Concept award for Applied Marketing Practice.
The winners of the festival were:
Enterprise Project: • Best Presenter - Ibrahim Naif • Best Business Idea - Hussain Muan
Applied Marketing Practice: • Best New Product Concept - Fortune Bites
Furthermore, an exciting lucky draw was conducted among the festival visitors, with Bodytech offering a coveted 6-month gym membership as the grand prize. The lucky winner of the draw was Sara Shafeeu.
The inaugural Business Festival organised by Villa College Business Society has undoubtedly set a high standard for future events. With its focus on providing recruitment opportunities for organisations and promoting entrepreneurial spirit among students, this festival marks a significant achievement for Villa College and the participating businesses.