The Villa College Student Association (VCSA) serves as the official representative body of Villa College (VC) students, committed to promoting their welfare and interests. The VCSA provides a platform for student involvement in the decision-making process of the college, advocating for policies and programs that improve the student experience.
The objectives of the VCSA extend beyond representing students to fostering a sense of community, equity, and diversity within the college. The VCSA works to promote student welfare and interests, advocate for quality and equity in higher education, and provide representation for VC students.
In addition to hosting and participating in various college activities, such as the Exposure Trip and the VCSA Futsal Tournament, the VCSA has played a key role in initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability, including the campaign to eliminate single-use plastic on campus.
Villa College also recognizes the importance of offering students opportunities for leisure and recreation, which are essential for promoting a well-rounded college experience. To this end, the college provides a range of recreational activities during college hours for students to enjoy between classes, enabling them to recharge and refresh themselves.