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The Villa College Student Association (VCSA)

The Villa College Student Association (VCSA) serves as the official representative body of Villa College (VC) students, committed to promoting their welfare and interests. The VCSA provides a platform for student involvement in the decision-making process of the college, advocating for policies and programs that improve the student experience.

The objectives of the VCSA extend beyond representing students to fostering a sense of community, equity, and diversity within the college. The VCSA works to promote student welfare and interests, advocate for quality and equity in higher education, and provide representation for VC students.

In addition to hosting and participating in various college activities, such as the Exposure Trip and the VCSA Futsal Tournament, the VCSA has played a key role in initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability, including the campaign to eliminate single-use plastic on campus.

Villa College also recognizes the importance of offering students opportunities for leisure and recreation, which are essential for promoting a well-rounded college experience. To this end, the college provides a range of recreational activities during college hours for students to enjoy between classes, enabling them to recharge and refresh themselves.

To foster entrepreneurial skills and spirit among the students of the College;
To promote student engagement, and welfare activities while furthering the interests of the College
To make representations to the Student Services and ensure student’s voice is heard on all matters related to student affairs
To represent the College and the student body at national or international level in accordance with the rules and regulations of the College
To organize and conduct student academic and recreational activities for the overall wellbeing of students
To foster inclusivity among the VC student community
To advocate for and protect the academic rights of students of the College
To nurture a culture of democratic values and good citizenship amongst students
To represent students on College bodies in accordance with the rules and regulations of the College
Fathimath Leen Saud
Mohamed Shabaan Shabau
Vice President
Aishath Minha Mohamed
Generatl Secretary
Alysha Ali Hassan
Public Relations Coordinator
Haiba Ibrahim Rasheed
Acadamic Scretary
Hussain Zaad Shaamin
Student Welfare Scretary
Mariyam Eema Mohamed
Campus Coordinator
Ibrahim Ilhan Ismail
Sports & Recreational Scretary
Fathiman Shaina
Social & Cultural Secretary
Ibrahim Husaan
Postgraduate Representative
Hamdhu Hameed
Other Programs Representative
© 2007 - 2025 Villa College
All rights reserved
Villa College began its historic journey on the 28th of January 2007, with the registration of its first institute, Villa Institute of Water Sports followed by the Villa Institute of Information Technology (VIIT) and Villa Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Studies.
Villa College QI Campus
Villa College Address
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